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CCPA regulations go live, ushering in tighter data privacy controls for California residents | The Daily Swig
Do Californians use CCPA to protect their privacy? - Help Net Security
COVID-19 and HIPAA HHS’s Troubled Approach to Waiving Privacy and Security Rules for the Pandemic
Michigan Considers Enhanced Data Breach Notification Law | Workplace Privacy, Data Management & Security Report
Pennsylvania bill requires state agencies to notify individuals of breaches within seven days
Bipartisan Bill Looks to Create Secure Digital Identities
CCPA Update: Legislature Extends Business-To-Business And Employee Exemptions For One Year | Husch Blackwell LLP - JDSupra
CCPA Final text of proposed regulations, August 14th 2020
EDPB Creates Taskforces on Complaints and Supplementary Measures for Data Transfers Following Schrems II Decision | Privacy & Information Security Law Blog
CCPA draft regulations: Privacy notices and accessibility in the employment context
Gartner Warns CEOs Will be Personally Liable for Breaches by 2024 | Decipher
Instagram Retained Deleted User Data Despite GDPR Rules
APAC consumers believe onus on businesses, governments to safeguard their data
California Privacy Rights Act: State poised to raise privacy bar with ‘CCPA 2.0’
Barclays Faces Employee Spying Probe
The disappointment of Australia's new cybersecurity strategy
Survey: Companies struggle to implement data privacy initiatives
EU Issues First-Ever Sanctions Over Past Cyberattacks
1,050 data breaches reported to Australian commissioner in 12 months
State Comprehensive-Privacy Law Comparison
Atlassian says encryption-busting law has damaged Australia's tech reputation | ZDNet
Proposed Amendment to the North Carolina Identity Theft Protection Act
The end of Privacy Shield spells trouble for Brexit Britain
340 GDPR fines for a total of €158,135,806 issued since May 2018
US-EU data sharing deal Privacy Shield struck down by European court
Federal judge upholds Maine's strict internet privacy law
Opening remarks by Vice-President Jourová and Commissioner Reynders at the press point following the judgment in case C-311/18 Facebook Ireland and Schrems
China Issued the Draft Data Security Law
Happy privacy action day in California: If you don't have 'Do not sell my information' in your website footer, you need to read this story right now
DIFC data protection law requires business action
Citing NY’s SHIELD Act, NYSBA Approves Cybersecurity CLE Requirement for All Attorneys
Vermont’s Amendments to Data Breach Law and New Student Privacy Law Effective July 1, 2020
Senate Approves Sinema Bipartisan Bill Supporting Identity Theft Victims
New York SHIELD Act Data Security Requirements Become Effective
Attorney General Becerra Submits Proposed Regulations for Approval Under the California Consumer Privacy Act
Amidst A Pandemic, New York Quietly Implements Its Enhanced Data Security Law
U.S. senators urge probe of TikTok on children's privacy
Delayed Implementation of Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act
Vermont Updates its Data Breach Notification Law
Pelosi pulls vote on FISA bill after Trump veto threat