government healthcare social media service provider fine education finance dark web retail law enforcement web telecoms travel manufacturing phama operating system insurance charity legal app tech gaming publishing transport utilities
story hacked malware unauthorised access ransomware vulnerability accidental disclosure phishing unsecured database poor security insider threat unsecured server hacked email lost device identity theft website hacked ddos stolen documents Trojans financial inside job spear phishing RDP spyware skimming
cyber attack privacy breach notification security flaw legislation poor operations user credentials physical security customer data third party Cryptocurrency enforcement email hacked insecure storage court action encryption fraud VPN passwords zero day 3rd parties state hacking employee data remote working stolen data

Anonymous secret sharing app Whisper left sensitive profile data exposed for years
Cyber hackers demand $30m from ‘major international company’ with office in Perth
Creditor fined 870 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR - Insufficient legal basis for data processing
Vis Consulting Sp. z o.o. fined 4,400 Euros for breaching Art. 31 GDPR, Art. 58 GDPR - Insufficient cooperation with supervisory authority
Gesthotel Activos Balagares fined 15,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 (1) f) GDPR - Non-compliance with general data processing principles
Australia sues Facebook, alleges breach of user data - Reuters
Fort Worth ISD Hacked, Joining Other Texas Schools, Towns Hit By Ransomware Attacks
NY SHIELD Act Data Security Requirements Effective This Month
Melbourne professor quits after health department pressures her over data breach
Computer systems at UK and UK HealthCare hobbled by massive, month-long cyber attack
Durham officials 'confident no personally identifiable information compromised', including city employee, resident data
Mistrial declared at federal trial of accused CIA leaker Joshua Schulte
Unfixable flaw in nearly all Intel chips released in the last five years could allow cyber criminals to hijack computers and wreak 'utter chaos'
Singapore, Malaysia credit card details dumped online in massive data breach
Retailer fined 3,200 Euros for breaching Art. 13 GDPR, Art. 14 GDPR - Insufficient fulfilment of information obligations
Private person fined 4,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR - Non-compliance with general data processing principles
Liceo Scientifico Nobel di Torre del Greco fined 4,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR, Art. 9 GDPR - Insufficient legal basis for data processing
Liceo Artistico Statale di Napoli fined 4,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR, Art. 9 GDPR - Insufficient legal basis for data processing
People working from home during coronavirus crisis are at greater risk of being HACKED due to weak computer security settings, expert warns
Tesco sends security warning to 600,000 Clubcard holders
Alleged Russian hacker goes on trial Monday in US in 2012 LinkedIn, Dropbox breaches
266,000 Passwords Stolen in Trident Crypto Fund Data Breach
Former DHS Acting Inspector General Indicted for Stealing Database with Personnel Information
Former Orting schools IT employee charged with computer trespass, malicious mischief
Boots Advantage and Tesco Clubcard both suffer data breaches in same week
San Giorgio Jonico fined 3,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR, Art. 17 GDPR - Insufficient legal basis for data processing
West Suffolk Hospital apologises after dog walker finds medical records in nature reserve
Ryuk ransomware hits Fortune 500 company EMCOR
Ransomware Attackers Use Your Cloud Backups Against You
Malta-based crypto-fund suffers data breach; 10K user records affected
US property and demographic database of 200 million records leaked on the web
'Unfixable' boot ROM security flaw in millions of Intel chips could spell 'utter chaos' for DRM, file encryption
Virgin Media data breach affects 900,000 people
Possible security breach at Defence Force Recruiting - AM - ABC Radio
Representative of a local government fined 290 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR, Art. 12 GDPR, Art. 15 GDPR, Art. 17 GDPR - Insufficient legal basis for data processing
Vodafone España, S.A.U. fined 60,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR - Insufficient legal basis for data processing
Cyberattackers hack Wellington school’s computer system
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited £500,000 for failing to protect the security of its customers’ personal data
T-Mobile warns customers about a recent data breach
Liability claim remains against UPMC Susquehanna in medical records 'snooping ' case