government healthcare social media service provider fine education finance dark web retail law enforcement web telecoms travel manufacturing phama operating system insurance legal charity app gaming tech publishing transport utilities
story hacked malware unauthorised access ransomware vulnerability accidental disclosure phishing unsecured database poor security insider threat unsecured server hacked email lost device website hacked identity theft ddos stolen documents Trojans financial inside job spear phishing RDP spyware skimming
cyber attack privacy breach notification security flaw legislation poor operations user credentials physical security customer data third party Cryptocurrency enforcement email hacked insecure storage court action encryption fraud VPN passwords zero day 3rd parties state hacking employee data remote working stolen data

Spear-phishing campaign compromises executives at 150+ companies
Clop ransomware leaks ExecuPharm's files after failed ransom
Sixth Annual Data Security Incident Response Report Released – Managing Enterprise Risks and Leveraging Data in a Digital World
Dutch DPA issues record 725K euro fine for GDPR violations
Alabama Dept. of Labor fixes app after personal information revealed
NTPC confirms 'cyber attack' from unknown source on Thursday
Personal data of thousands of "Figaro" readers exposed on a server
National Government Service Centre (NGSC) fined 18,700 Euros for breaching Art. 33 GDPR, Art. 34 GDPR - Insufficient fulfilment of data breach notification obligations
Microsoft Patches Teams Vulnerability
Financial Crime in Europe Continues to Grow
10 Ransomware Strains Being Used in Advanced Attacks
Unusual Android Mobile Ransomware Does Not Demand Cryptocurrency
Data Breach Settlement Calls for Enhanced Security Measures
LabCorp Board Sued in Delaware Over Billing Vendor Data Breaches
Report Finds Ransomware Crews Don't Leave After Being Paid
The UK’s mobile and finance industries have teamed up with #GCHQ’s #NCSC to detect and block #SMS #phishing attempts designed to capitalise on the #COVID19 crisis.
Brazil's new data protection law the #LGPD, originally due to be enforced this year, will be deferred to January 2021 following an emergency
CCPA Update: AG Becerra Reminds Californians That Their Privacy Rights Remain in Force During Pandemic
Massive & Unprecedented Security Breach Takes Usenet Providers Offline
Former prime communications employee sent personal info of thousands of prime employees in prime email gaffe
Citigroup gets computer fraud claim tossed in email hack case
Back to basics: The GDPR and PCI DSS
Proximus SA fined 50,000 Euros for breaching Art. 31 GDPR, Art. 58 GDPR, Art. 37 GDPR - Lack of appointment of data protection officer
U.S. Supreme Court Will Finally Weigh in on Scope of CFAA
Nine million logs of Brits' road journeys spill onto the internet from password-less number-plate camera dashboard
Zoom Gets Stuffed: Here’s How Hackers Got Hold Of 500,000 Passwords
Chegg data breach lawsuit heads to arbitration
Zaha Hadid Architects held to ransom by cyberhacker
Huiying Medical Breached; Source Code for AI-assisted COVID-19 Detection, and Experimental Data of COVID-19 on Sale
Warwick University was hacked and kept breach secret from students and staff
'Smart' parking meter vendor had data stolen in ransomware attack
Sydney nurse stole patients’ credit cards for $36,000 spending spree
Email, class registration, payroll down from computer hack at IVCC
Optus facing class action over alleged customer privacy breaches
Parkview Medical Center confirms cyber attack
Google blocking 18m coronavirus scam emails every day - BBC News
Israel Thwarts Major Coordinated Cyber-Attack on Its Water Infrastructure Command and Control Systems
Million-dollar whisky sale targeted in cyber attack, says auctioneer
Nintendo Confirms Some 160,000 Accounts Might've Been Hacked
Mercy Health says nurse was fired for violating privacy of multiple patients not for talking to the media