government healthcare social media service provider fine education finance dark web retail law enforcement web telecoms travel manufacturing phama operating system insurance charity legal app tech gaming publishing transport utilities
story hacked malware unauthorised access ransomware vulnerability accidental disclosure phishing unsecured database poor security insider threat unsecured server hacked email lost device website hacked identity theft stolen documents ddos Trojans financial inside job spear phishing RDP spyware skimming
cyber attack privacy breach notification security flaw legislation poor operations user credentials physical security customer data third party Cryptocurrency enforcement email hacked insecure storage court action encryption fraud VPN passwords zero day 3rd parties state hacking employee data remote working stolen data

St. Louis mayor slammed for broadcasting names, addresses of 'defund the police' supporters
Urban Choice Charter School - Information Technology beach report
California University Paid $1.14 Million After Ransomware Attack
8 U.S. City Websites Targeted in Magecart Attacks
Update on IT Security Incident at UCSF
The Case Against EU Cyber Sanctions for the Bundestag Hack
New Ransom X Ransomware used in Texas TxDOT cyberattack
Brazilian federal police investigates presidential data leak
e-Learning Data Breach Exposes 1 Million College Students’ Data
‘Procedural error’ cause for leak of HIA names
LG Electronics allegedly hit by Maze ransomware attack
Department of Home Affairs fined 13,500 Euros for breaching Art. 12 GDPR, Art. 15 GDPR - Insufficient fulfilment of data subjects rights
Jamesville-DeWitt High School student email list breached; explicit messages sent
New Charges, Sentencing in Satori IoT Botnet Conspiracy
US police using Chinese drones are ‘at risk’ of data breach, DHS warns
There are DDoS attacks, then there's this 809 million packet-per-second tsunami Akamai says it just caught
Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, fined Vodafone España 60,000 euros for violating Article 6 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. An investigation upheld a customer's claims that Vodafone sent emails to them after requesting the deletion of their data.
Ransomware Gangs Go (Lady) Gaga for Data Breaches
Sodinokibi Ransomware Gang Targets POS Software
N.S. government reveals May privacy breach involved 10,599 unredacted decisions
Data stolen from Silicon Valley consulting firm offered for sale on hacker forum
FBI warns K12 schools of ransomware attacks via RDP
Personal Data of 350,000+ Social Media Influencers and Users Compromised Following Preen.Me Hack
Miraclia (telecommunications company) fined 7,500 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR - Insufficient legal basis for data processing
Georgia hospital investigates medical records theft, suspends employees
Twitter says some business users had their private data exposed
Choice Health Management Services, LLC Provides Notice of a Data Breach
80,000 printers are exposing their IPP port online
Nefilim Ransomware Gang Tied to Citrix Gateway Hacks
Phishing attacks impersonate QuickBooks invoices ahead of July 15 tax deadline
Ryuk ransomware deployed two weeks after Trickbot infection
Citing NY’s SHIELD Act, NYSBA Approves Cybersecurity CLE Requirement for All Attorneys
Vermont’s Amendments to Data Breach Law and New Student Privacy Law Effective July 1, 2020
Luke's Health-Memorial Lufkin - breach notification
Warning: ‘Invisible God’ Hacker Sold Access To More Than 135 Companies In Just Three Years
Security lapses in eHealth system increased risk of cyberattack, says auditor
'Facebook is spying on me': User gets ads for obscure things she's just chatted about
Comunidad de propietarios demelza beach fined 2000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR, Art. 13 GDPR, Art. 14 GDPR - Non-compliance with general data processing principles
Stalker Online Breach: 1.3 Million User Records Stolen