government healthcare social media service provider fine education finance dark web retail law enforcement web telecoms travel manufacturing phama operating system insurance legal charity app gaming tech publishing transport utilities
story hacked malware unauthorised access ransomware vulnerability accidental disclosure phishing unsecured database poor security insider threat unsecured server hacked email lost device website hacked identity theft ddos stolen documents Trojans financial inside job spear phishing RDP skimming spyware
cyber attack privacy breach notification security flaw legislation poor operations user credentials physical security customer data third party Cryptocurrency enforcement email hacked insecure storage court action encryption fraud VPN passwords zero day 3rd parties state hacking employee data remote working stolen data

Enough with the Linux security FUD
Brute-force cyberattacks on the rise in Brazil
Dark web market Empire down for days from DDoS attack
Iranian hackers attack exposed RDP servers to deploy Dharma ransomware
Top exploits used by ransomware gangs are VPN bugs, but RDP still reigns supreme
Freepik Discloses Data Breach Impacting 8.3 Million Users
Indian Travel Site Exposed 37 Million Records Before Meow Attack
Steel sheet giant Hoa Sen Group hacked by Maze ransomware operatorsSecurity Affairs
WordPress WooCommerce stores under attack, patch now
DarkSide: New targeted ransomware demands million dollar ransoms
US financial regulator warns of phishing sites impersonating brokers
FBI and CISA warn of major wave of vishing attacks targeting teleworkers
Carnival must right the ship after breaches threaten travelers' trust
MPs slam UK data regulator for failing to protect people's rights
ASIC takes former ANZ-owned RI Advice to court over inadequate cybersecurity
Uber security executive charged over 2016 data breach ‘cover-up’
Myerscough College hit by cyber attack on exam results day
University of Utah Pays $457,000 to Ransomware Operators
Student information, financial info published in suspected RMC data leak after cyber attack
Weather Channel's location data settlement doesn't mean much for your privacy
Texas County Notified Thousands of Residents of Data Breach
MITRE shares this year's top 25 most dangerous software bugs
Memory leak in IBM DB2 gives access to sensitive data, causes DoS
Cisco bug warning: Critical static password flaw in network appliances needs patching
HealthEngine fined for sharing patient data without consent and skewing its reviews
Thanks for the memories... now pay up or else: Maze ransomware crew claims to have hacked SK hynix, leaks '5% of stolen files'
After the breach: Change your password, quickly - Infosec Resources
CISA warns of BLINDINGCAN, a new strain of North Korean malware
Experian South Africa discloses data breach impacting 24 million customers
Data Firm Exposes 235 Million Social Media Profiles
Academics Devise Attacks Targeting Email End-to-End Encryption
Researchers detail bug in wireless devices impacting critical sectors
FritzFrog malware attacks Linux servers over SSH to mine Monero
Marriott Faces Another Data Breach Lawsuit
EU websites’ use of Google Analytics and Facebook Connect targeted by post-Schrems II privacy complaints
Ransomware Payday: Average Payments Jump to $178,000
Duri campaign smuggles malware via HTML and JavaScript
Gym app management platform exposed info of thousands of users
Ukraine arrests gang who ran 20 crypto-exchanges and laundered money for ransomware gangs
Medical Data of Auto Accident Victims Exposed Online