government healthcare social media service provider fine education finance dark web retail law enforcement web telecoms travel manufacturing phama operating system insurance charity legal app tech gaming publishing transport utilities
story hacked malware unauthorised access ransomware vulnerability accidental disclosure phishing unsecured database poor security insider threat unsecured server hacked email lost device website hacked identity theft ddos stolen documents Trojans financial inside job spear phishing RDP spyware skimming
cyber attack privacy breach notification security flaw legislation poor operations user credentials physical security customer data third party Cryptocurrency enforcement email hacked insecure storage court action encryption fraud VPN passwords zero day 3rd parties state hacking employee data remote working stolen data

Alleged Hackers Charged with Defacing Websites
Chinese Tech Giant Alibaba's Servers Found To Be Involved In Data Theft, At-least 72 Servers Sending Data To China
West Mifflin Area School District recalls student devices for 'urgent security updates' | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Michigan Considers Enhanced Data Breach Notification Law | Workplace Privacy, Data Management & Security Report
Magento online stores hacked in largest campaign to date | ZDNet
Morris Jeff Community School reports cybersecurity breach – New Orleans CityBusiness
Irish High Court: Judicial Review against DPC admitted
Multiple Penalties Issued to Individual Convicted of Health Information Breaches at Smith Clinic in Camrose - River Radio
Pennsylvania bill requires state agencies to notify individuals of breaches within seven days
Gelderland security region hit in ransomware attack
Over 18K COVID-19 Patients' Data Mistakenly Exposed by NHS Trust
Veterans' Social Security numbers leaked in data breach - CNET
Hackers tried to slip Trojan viruses into St. Louis County's website, but never got in, IT director says – | Latest Technology News
A bug in Joe Biden’s campaign app gave anyone access to millions of voter files
Bipartisan Bill Looks to Create Secure Digital Identities
US staffing firm Artech discloses ransomware attack, data breach
Travel Industry Giants Failed to Secure their Websites Despite High-Profile Data Breaches, New Research Shows
Private Person fined 8,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR - Non-compliance with general data processing principles
Political Party fined 1,500 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR - Insufficient legal basis for data processing
School district had to shut down in-person classes because of ransomware attack, superintendent says -
CENTRAL BANK OF SEYCHELLES, closely monitoring DBS’ report of a ransomware attack on its network
Linux Malware Targets VoIP Networks to Steal Metadata
Tally of Those Affected by Blackbaud Hack Soars
Secure Data Tech Sues Ex-Employee for Breach of Contract - Tech
Razer Gaming Fans Caught Up in Data Leak | Threatpost
Enloe received notification from one of its third-party vendors, Blackbaud, Inc. (“Blackbaud”), of a cyber incident.
Japan Regulator Is Set to Ask Nomura to Report on Data Leak
You're fired: Dutch hackers broke into Trump's Twitter account in 2016 -
Israel's Tower Semi halts some operations after cyber attack | Reuters
Irish DPC tells Facebook to stop transferring data to the US: Should panic ensue?
A data fail left banks and councils exposed with a quick Google search
Meet the Middlemen Who Connect Cybercriminals With ...
Exclusive: Microsoft believes Russians that hacked Clinton targeted Biden campaign firm - sources | Reuters
NorthShore data breach affects 348,000 people - Chicago Tribune
SegurCaixa Adeslas activa su plan de contingencia por un ataque de ransomware
Rocky Mount faces cyber attack; investigation to determine if personal information stolen
Understanding the Tactics of Ransomware Attacks - Security Boulevard
Trinity Area School District, police investigating after security breaches during virtual classrooms | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Equinix data center giant hit by Netwalker Ransomware, $4.5M ransom
CCPA Update: Legislature Extends Business-To-Business And Employee Exemptions For One Year | Husch Blackwell LLP - JDSupra