government healthcare social media service provider fine education finance dark web retail law enforcement web telecoms travel manufacturing phama operating system insurance charity legal app tech gaming publishing transport utilities
story hacked malware unauthorised access ransomware vulnerability accidental disclosure phishing unsecured database poor security insider threat unsecured server hacked email lost device identity theft website hacked ddos stolen documents Trojans financial inside job spear phishing RDP spyware skimming
cyber attack privacy breach notification security flaw legislation poor operations user credentials physical security customer data third party Cryptocurrency enforcement email hacked insecure storage court action encryption fraud VPN passwords zero day state hacking 3rd parties employee data remote working stolen data

Ransomware attack at the GWG housing association: Cybercrime arrives in the middle of society
Burgo Group S.p.A fined 20,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 13 GDPR - Non-compliance with general data processing principles
Recambios Villalegre S.L. fined 12,000 Euros for breaching Art. 6 GDPR, Art. 13 GDPR - Insufficient legal basis for data processing
Tesla Model X Has Flaw Allowing It to Be Hacked and Stolen
Banijay Employee Data Potentially Breached After IT Hack – Deadline
Finistère Habitat paralyzed by a cyberattack
Retail giant E-Land closes nearly half of stores due to ransomware attack
Four Winds Westchester - Breach Of Protected Health Information
Nearly $20 million stolen from the DeFi protocol Pickle Finance
Mansfield schools hacked; working to resolve issues | Local News |
Lazada denies being behind data leak
Pays de la Loire: Ouest-France victim of a cyberattack
Romanian duo arrested for running malware encryption service to bypass antivirus software | Europol
Police investigate Sherman ISD data breach
Google is adding end-to-end encryption to its Android Messages app | ZDNet
Thousands of New Zealanders' email addresses, passwords stolen in data breach | 1 NEWS | TVNZ
Mitsubishi Electric again falls victim to cyberattack : The Asahi Shimbun
Thousands of patients information potentially accessed after cyber breach at LSU Health
Good Heavens! 10M Impacted in Data Exposure | Threatpost
'Beyond Troubling' Emails Sent From Hacked Teacher's Account | Skokie, IL Patch
FTC asks court to force Bannon to testify on Cambridge Analytica scandal - POLITICO
Manchester United says systems hit by cyber attack | Reuters
IoT Bill Heads to White House | Privacy & Information Security Law Blog
Hanna Andersson, Salesforce ink deal to settle CCPA data breach class action
Derby’s Griffin Hospital website taken down in major ransomware incident
GoDaddy Employees Used in Attacks on Multiple Cryptocurrency Services — Krebs on Security
Vodafone España, S.A.U. fined 36,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR - Insufficient legal basis for data processing
Malicious Uses and Abuses of Artificial Intelligence | Europol
Mount Locker ransomware now targets your TurboTax tax returns
Go SMS Pro leaks private message files with unsecure URLs
Hacker closing out prison sentence in Chicago halfway house
Ransomware Surges: What Law Firms Need to Know - Legal Talk Network
Ransomware attack cripples Oglethorpe County school system
The daily "Paris-Normandie" targeted by a cyberattack
Governments square up for a fight with big tech over encryption
Hackers sponsored by Russia and North Korea are targeting COVID-19 researchers
Unknown fined 28 Euros for breaching Art. 5 (1) d) GDPR - Non-compliance with general data processing principles
Carrefour France fined 2,250,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 12 GDPR, Art. 13 GDPR, Art. 15 GDPR, Art. 17 GDPR, Art. 21 GDPR, Art. 32 GDPR, Art. 33 GDPR - Non-compliance with general data processing principles
Carrefour Banque fined 800,000 Euros for breaching Art. 5 GDPR - Non-compliance with general data processing principles